Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Pakspiny | Sliver Feed to the scanning rollers | Drawing Draft | Drawing Break Draft | Drawing Roller | Draw scanner Roller


   Sliver feed to the scanning rollers

It is essential that sliver funnel and the scanning rolls of the auto leveler are very carefully set. An incorrect setting can cause cutting of the fibers, sliver tags and highly compressed sliver fringes that are not subsequently drafted.

·  The funnel should be correctly located and be 0.5 -1mm from the scanning rolls.

·  The funnel must be centered relative to the scanning roll groove.

·  The tongue and groove  onents must not make contact with each other.

·   The sensing scanning roll must not touch the funnel.

The clearances between the scanning rolls should be checked at ¼ turn positions to be sure that they are correctly aligned.Clearances should be checked above and below the tongue as well as between the tongue and inside of the grooved roll Sharp edges of the scanning rolls can cause cutting of fibers.

This shows up as an increase in short fiber content after drawing. Additionally synthetic fibers can be fused. The sharp edges should be polished away by using fine “Scotch Bright” or similar polishing material. The pressure on the scanning roll should be carefully adjusted to suit the processing speed and the material being drawn. If there is scanning roll vibration the pressure should be increased incrementally. For bulky coarse synthetic fibers it is sometimes necessary to increase the pressure For polyester the pressure is usually light.

Check that the scanning roll assembly screws do not touch the table. This is a problem if a change is made to smaller scanning rolls and using the same length screws. Clean the funnel. There should be no contamination, burrs or rough places.

Funnel and scanning rolls




      Scanning rollers to drafting system

Ø  Sliver tension


The sliver tension must be carefully adjusted to avoid sliver stretching but to be sufficient to cause the slivers to spread after the high compression of the scanning rolls. High tension will cause irregular stretch that cannot be corrected by the auto leveler. With combed cotton the piecings can be disturbed and the autoleveler will not function correctly. Reduce the tension until the slivers are slightly loose and then increase the tension one step. The sliver should not drag on the table.


Ø  Sliver spreading


When the slivers leave the scanning rolls the material is very compacted and has to spread to a “side by side” condition prior to entering the drafting system. Slivers must not roll and cross each other.

The sliver guide bars L1, L2, L3, and L4 must be set so that the slivers are:

•  in the center, uniformly next to each other, without gaps between the slivers, no slivers crossing,


Ø  without rolling and twisting.

 In addition to the sliver tension, the relative heights of the sliver guide bars influence the spreading action. The convex shape of the guide bars helps in the spreading action. Initially set the bar heights with L1 in the high position, L4 below the back roll of the drafting system, L3 and L4 as shown in the diagram. If the spreading is excessive and the slivers are moved apart then lower L3 or raise L2 The sliver path must be as that shown in the diagram, otherwise the correct leveling and drafting functions will be disturbed. 

Ø  Drafting

 Sliver path through the Drafting System

 The drafting system is basically 3 over 3 with an additional “Deflection” roll (7) on the delivery roll to direct the sliver toward the coiler.

 The top rolls are numbered (1, 2, 3) and corresponding bottom rolls are, - back roll (4), middle roll (5) and delivery roll (6).

There is a pressure bar (8) located between the top rolls 2 and 3 to help control the fibers in the main draft zone.The fundamental settings of the drafting system are the roll distances and the draft distribution. Each greatly influences the quality of the delivered sliver.

Ø  Critical factors affecting the drafting action

 •  Roll settings, draft distribution, roll pressure, speed, top roll cot condition

 removal of dust, fly and clearer waste.

Ø  Roll setting

 Drafting roll distances have to be set as close as practicable:

To control the short and floating fibers, Not so close as to break the longest fibers, nor Not so close as create high drafting forces and over control.

The roll setting has to be optimized according to:

•  Staple length, ( 2.5% on HVI or AFIS and 1.0% on the Peyer AL-101) fiber orientation,

Ø  sliver weight

  fiber crimp, bulk and cohesion. The number of fiber hooks are decreased and the degree of fiber orientation is increased each drawing process. Therefore, it is necessary to set the roll spacing with this in mind.

Ø  Setting tip

 From the practical setting perspective, the main draft rolls should be set first, followed by the setting of the break draft zone. Any change of the distance between rolls (5) and (6) automatically changes the distances between rolls (4) and (5). Consequently, a change of setting of the main draft zone must be followed by an adjustment of the break draft rolls.

The converse is not so. A change of the distance of the break draft zone does not change the positions of rolls (5) and (6).The main draft zone roll – setting (H V D)

• The main draft rolls have an actual minimum setting of 35.5 mm, which is used for all fibers with staple length shorter than 27 mm.


• For fibers of staple length 27 mm or longer, the rolls are Normally set at 8 ….10 mm over the 2.5% length value. Break draft zone - roll setting (V V D)

 • The break draft roll setting is dependent upon the condition of the supplied sliver. The maximum and average staple lengths, the degree of fiber orientation, the fiber hooks, the drafting resistance, and the draft distribution all have an influence on how close the rolls can be set. A simple test for the break draft resistance is to use a1 or 2 mm feeler gauge and push it between the first and second rolls into the slivers. The fibers should yield but with resistance. The rolls are too close if the slivers do not allow the feeler to be pressed through. Closest roll setting is 36 mm Common roll settings range from 10…15 mm over the 2.5% staple length.

Ø  Draft distribution

 • The total draft is established by the total mass of the input material and the mass of the output sliver.

  The calculation is:

Total draft  (V) = Input mass ÷ Delivered mass

The total draft is performed in two stages. The first step is the “Break Draft” (V V), which prepares the slivers for the “Main Draft” (V H) Break draft zone - Draft (V V ) The function of the break draft in the draw frame is to pre tension the slivers and remove the sliver crimp so that the fibers presented to the main draft zone are controlled. The normal range is 1.16 to 1.41, but with polyester for sewing thread and crimped acrylic the break draft can be up to 1.70. The break draft in the first drawing passage is usually higher than that of the second passage because the card sliver has a lower level of fiber orientation. The evenness tester diagram and spectrogram should be used as a guide in setting the draft.

The following observations can be made:

 Breaker drawing requires higher break draft than subsequent drawing processes.

 Warning: Roll settings that are too close will result in over control, which can be seen as “spikes” in the evenness diagram. These spikes cause thick and thin places in the yarn. Finisher drawing requires more open settings and a lower break draft. Man made fibers require higher break drafts than cotton.Finer fibers, cotton or man made, require higher break draft than coarser fibers. When the total draft has to be relatively high (7 to 10) thebreak draft has to be increased to keep the main draft in the desirable range. When processing short fibers the break draft should be low. 

Ø  Main draft zone – Draft (HV)

 The main draft is established by the total draft and the break draft .The total draft is set by the overall processing system and usually has to be accepted. However, for high quality products, it is recommended to limit the draw frame draft to less than eight (8), which means the main draft will be between 3.5 and 5.5.

•  The best main draft settings are dependent upon the materials being processed, and the following points generally apply:


 Comber noil                   HV – 3.8,

 short carded cotton         HV – 4.75,

 carded cotton                 HV – 5.2,

 combed cotton               HV – 6.1,

 Egyptian combed cotton  HV – 7.1,

 cotton /MMF Blends        HV – 6.2,

 viscose                          HV – 6.3,

 acrylic (crimped)            HV – 5.2,

 polyester (crimped)        HV – 6.0,

 polyester (sewing thread) HV – 3.7,

 polypropylene (…..den)    HV – 6.1

Ø  Roll pressure

 The top rolls are pressure - loaded against the bottom rolls to grip the fibers between the rolls and to increase the fiber bundle pressure in the drafting zone. The pressure should not be excessive, but has to be sufficient to maintain a consistent drafting action.

The following points should be noted:

Rolls 1, 2, and 3 are pre set to 320 N, Deflection roll 7 is preset to 200 N,

For conditions of high drafting forces, such as, low draft ranges, heavy sliver weights or fibers that have a strong drafting resistance the top roll pressure has to be increased to:

Top rolls 1 and 2 to 440 N,Top roll 3 to 320 N,Deflection roll 7 remains at 200N.

When the top roll pressure is increased the effective nip zone is extended reducing the distances between the nip points. To compensate for this, it may be necessary to increase the draft roll settings by 1 or 2 mm. Increasing the roll pressure increases the temperature or the rolls, Lifetime of top rolls is reduced, Top roll deformation will occur if roll pressure is left on when the machine stops With the pneumatic top roll loading system, the pressure is automatically released. This prevents the formation of flat spots on the cots.

Pressure on Drafting System:

 Speeds of the draw frame have been progressively increased. In most cases the maximum speed of the draw frame is limited by:

• The running condition, which is fiber dependent, or

• The sliver quality that can deteriorate as the speed exceeds optimal levels.

• Normally, the draw frames are run at speeds below the maximum rate because the cost of drawing is a relatively small component of the overall spinning costs.

 Effects of excessive speed

 • Increased top roll laps,

• Roll temperatures exceed the tolerance of some man made fibers,

• Increased machine stops and reduced efficiency,

• Deterioration in sliver quality,

• Reduced lifetime of the cots,

• Overheating of the bearings,

• Guide to maximum draw frame speeds.

 The following chart is taken from the sales documentation and represents the delivery speed expectancies of current draw frames. It should be emphasized that speeds approaching the maximum speeds can only be attained when all conditions are optimal.

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